Please always keep in mind that our products are basically of 2 types:
1- "Physical" products (DVDs and Books) with shipment by Post-Agency.
2- Digital products for download (multilingual MP4 Video files and e-Books in PDF format) that you can immediately download to your computer or mobile device.
- All our DVDs are region "0", and therefore playable ALL over the world.
- Most of our DVDs are available in PAL and NTSC format, expressly indicated on the tab of each DVD. Be sure to select the desired format (PAL: Europe, Asia, ... / NTSC: North America, South America, Japan, ...). Current home DVD players can read NTSC and PAL formats interchangeably.
- The languages included in each DVD are expressly indicated in the description of each title.
- Our digital videos in download are MP4 files (H264 codec standard), playable on all devices and multimedia playback software Windows-Mac (QuickTime, Windows Media, VLC player, ...).
- The languages included in each video are expressly indicated in the description of each title. In the audio menu of your multimedia player software Windows-Mac (QuickTime, Windows Media, VLC player, ...) you must select the track with the desired language.
- Once the purchase of our digital videos is downloaded, you will receive an email with the links to download your videos. You can also download your videos from the "My Account / Order History / XXX Order" section.
- The deadline for downloading the purchased digital videos is 7 days from the date of purchase, and you have 5 attempts to download each video. However, in case of having any problem, contact us via the Customer Service form, and we will resolve any incident.
- See the "Help-FAQS" Section here for more information on downloads.
- All our e-Books, digital books, are files in standard PDF format, compatible with most devices.
- The active offers for each product are applied automatically as you add the products to the cart, and they will be reflected in the cart as you progress through the purchase process.
Kyusho is an efficient, powerful yet simple method of self protection that can incapacitate an opponent without physical damage. By using 10 vital points located in different areas of the body, the user only needs to get to the point. No fancy techniques that take years of training to make work, this powerful set of vital points are the most versatile points that can even be used with impaired sight, physical strength and motion of a real situation. All are accomplish with simple, natural, gross motor skill actions that anyone can do. Even a small child can dysfunction a larger adult and all without damage. - BOOK LANGUAGE: ENGLISH
eBook in PDF Format. English language